Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 14: Learning challenge

This is the first one of these that I have done but I figure now is as good a time as any to do it!

Share your health and/or happiness tips/ share your favorite happiness quote:

I often find that when I am feeling particularity down it is because I am feeling down about myself and about my capabilities. This semester I have really struggled with being able to maintain my own happiness without having to rely on others. I have a necklace that my aunt bought me one year because I fell in love with it. I never ever take it off because I would be lost without it. It is a flat ring that twists around and has a beautiful font that reads "This above all: to thine own self be true". I find so much peace and strength in these words that they have always managed to bring me back to at least a better state of being. This may not be a quote about happiness, but it is something that helps me to find the path to happiness again when I truly feel like I will be lost from it forever.

I hope this may help someone or gives you some peace of mind!

Mobius Necklace "To thine own self be true" - math jewelry, great gift for a teacher

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