Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 14: Growth Mindset Challenge

Growth in your other classes:

I try to always find moments to improve on myself and my skills if possible. This past semester I have really had to work on getting back into a mode of being a good student like I used to! I used to be so good at getting my homework done and getting my studying done and maintaining reasonable grades in my class, but this has actually been my hardest semester! It didn't help that I had massive computer problems at the beginning of the semester. Which sucks when three of your four classes are online... Anyway, in the past two weeks I have a friend who has been a necessary part of me remaining motivated to really finish out the semester strong. I have 5 papers to write by the end of the semester, one of which was my 10-20 page capstone that I was terrified of! This particular friend was constantly harassing me telling me to finish the page goals I had set for myself, even if I had gotten ahead the night before. She told me that when she is working on school work she just has to tell herself that her school work is the most important thing and that she knows she will be able to sleep when she gets it done and that if she gets it all done in a timely manner, everything will be much easier. She kept harping on me about that and it really got into my brain. Since I don't like to disappoint my friends, she has really helped me to get back in gear and really get on top of all of the final projects and assignments and study sessions I have and really do the very best I can. Even if it is the last two weeks of school, I am going to give it all I've got and more! I can sleep when I graduate so I can get everything done! So, while the challenge was to grow in other classes, I wanted to explain that with the help of this friend, I wouldn't have been able to grow in any class. So a big shout out to her!

Career Guidance - Study Smart: How to Make the Most of a Cram Session


  1. It's awesome how our friends can become a source of motivation, especially in really stressful times. Sometimes having an extra person holding you accountable is the difference between finishing a paper and not. Hopefully you can try and enjoy your last few weeks here at college even in the midst of three long papers. Congratulations for graduating!

  2. You sound just like me. I used to be such a good student. Especially in high school where I actually maintained a 4.0. But this class has made me realize something. I have a fixed mindset instead of a growth mindset. So when I fail, I give up. I am glad that I now know this about myself, it gives me the power to change it! Your friend sound awesome though. We all need someone to hold us accountable sometimes. Good luck on your finals. And yay for graduating!
